Where’s that Blog You Mentioned?

Hi. It’s Chris.
I may have mentioned my “blog” and shared a link with you to this site. I promise you that there was a blog here. I wrote multiple posts (23 in fact). But, I deleted it all yesterday.

It’s July 24th and I’m starting over. Again.

Deleting 23 posts and many hours of thought and writing may seem like a foolish thing to do. It might sound like I’m giving up. But, it’s just the opposite. It’s all part of the process of moving forward.

The problem with the old blog was: Try as I might, I couldn’t seem to avoid negativity.

My previous blog posts kept dwelling on my problems, and not my solutions (or my progress in discovering solutions). I have plenty of problems. We all have our problems though. It is unfair of me to attempt to shift my problems onto your shoulders.

If I’ve attempted to do that in our real life encounters, I apologize.

I want this blog to be a place where my friends can find some evidence that I’m changing my life for the better, find a laugh, or strengthen our common interests to build a strong(er) friendship / relationship.

My greatest reward would be to have someone find some thought, or image that I post here meaningful or inspiring in some way. To me, it often feels like we all go through the hardest times in life alone. The “hardest times” I refer to are not those that you might expect. The “hardest times” I think, are the random mornings when you didn’t get enough sleep, you’re worried about your mom or your kids, or you’re stressed about work. They are the times when everyone around you appears to be happily and contentedly going about their daily routine, and they expect you to do the same (and why shouldn’t they?). I’ve had plenty of those, and I’m sure that you have too. We’re not so alone after all!

I hope that you’ll visit again later. There will be positivity, but not the sugar-coated kind. I’ll be talking about lots of things: Tao te Ching, Kung Fu, sunrise walks, and pictures of random stuff I find on the beach.

I’d love to know that you visited. Maybe you could drop a quick ”hello” in the comments below?

Thanks again for visiting!


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