Category: Uncategorized

  • Nature’s Embrace

    Mother Nature is resilient and forgiving. No matter how many times we push her aside with our inventions, construction, and destruction; she will continue to offer us her embrace. RETURN TO MAIN SITE

  • A Message?

    During one of my early morning walks on the beach this summer I discovered these strange, hieroglyphic-like markings in the sand. The markings were so crisp and clear, yet all of the human footprints in the vicinity were filled with sand. What could have made these markings? RETURN TO MAIN SITE RETURN TO MAIN SITE

  • Beauty Breaks Free

    We try to restrain her, contain her, or selfishly claim her as ours, and ours alone. But, beauty will always prevail. Even the strongest of barriers is no match for the strength of her seemingly delicate petals. With or without us, when the time is right; she will calmly, quietly, step into the light. RETURN…

  • July 25, 2022

    Every day is different. Yesterday I saw the sunrise with the seagulls. Today with the surfers. What will tomorrow bring?

  • Last Bastion of the Weekend

    I like to take photos of items that I find on the beach at dawn. It’s like I’m an archaeologist, or collecting forensic evidence. If so, then this image is undeniable evidence that weekends and vacations are always too short. Monday morning July 25, 2022 at 5:45 AM: Like a wounded warrior, one last tent…

  • More Sunrises?

    The Tao te Ching suggests that the Way (the path to enlightenment or fulfillment) is different for everyone. As I’m stumbling about in search of my Way forward, it has occurred to me how many sunsets I’ve witnessed, but how few sunrises. If I want to become more positive and optimistic, doesn’t it make sense…

  • Where’s that Blog You Mentioned?

    Hi. It’s Chris. I may have mentioned my “blog” and shared a link with you to this site. I promise you that there was a blog here. I wrote multiple posts (23 in fact). But, I deleted it all yesterday. It’s July 24th and I’m starting over. Again. Deleting 23 posts and many hours of…